WhatsApp Image 2022-04-26 at 15.18.24


In the framework of the pilot phase of training on ethics and integrity, TI-C launched a poem and drawing competition titled, “Write a poem or sketch a drawing on ethics and integrity in the school or environmental milieu” to pupils of the PNEU school at Yaounde. On the 26th april 2022, TI-C awarded the participants to encourage their efforts on understanding the topic and their availability to learn and practice ethic and integrity  around them. 28 pupils submitted  their work and among them we chose the first five to whom we gifted communication tools alongside certificates.

Over the years TI-C has actively participated in creating awareness and to an extent succeeded in curbing corruption activities in our society through its Advocacy and legal Advice Center Institution (ALAC). This time around, with recent happenings in our schools which threaten the peace of teachers and the society at large, the TI-C staff decided to infiltrate schools and train on these topics. The objective of this training is to assess the level of understanding of these thematic, to try to divert mindsets of pupils from juvenile delinquency to adopting positive values throughout the national territory. The ultimate goal of this training is to establish participatory sessions with pupils where we can enable them vent out their worries while training them on adopting intensive ethical and integrity skills to better handle situations and easily reintegrate the society.